Second research daisy

Since one of my first posts for this course was of a research daisy for my intended course of study, I can't resist posting a second daisy, one that is closer to what I will probably submit with my research proposal. This one illustrates the fields involved in my case study - of one aspect of the United States Government's open data system. It was done using OmniGraffle, the equivalent of Visio for Macs.


  1. haha, this was a good idea, i really like the comparison. i noticed that although your project's scale decreased (as it became a case study), it still draw in more fields! also, i like how it went from a natural-growing, omnidirectional pedals on a flower, to an atom's orbital field. i think there's something more valuable in this depiction, as the 'orbit cloud' entails a chaotic messing of layers that somehow define the heart of the phenomenon's nature.

    or maybe i'm reading too much into this again :P
